BikosThermoHolz LLC
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About the Company

BikosThermoHolz LLC produces thermally modified wood and wood products: decking, garden parquet, decorative panels, etc. The company has installed the latest equipment of European and Russian manufacturers, thanks to which the manufactured and manufactured products have a high level of ecological properties.

More about the Company

BikosThermoHolz LLC produces thermally modified wood and wood products: decking, garden parquet, decorative panels, etc.At the heart of the company creation is a patented innovative authoring, which is used for thermo-wet processing of wood, wood materials, as well as various wood products: boards, bars, parquet, blanks and products of various shapes and other things, and is especially effective for drying and toning as with processing hardwood, such as oak, beech, maple, ash, etc., and low-value wood such as aspen, pine, etc.  The company has installed the latest equipment of European and Russian manufacturers, thanks to which the production and manufactured products have a high level of ecological properies.

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