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About the Company

AEP – Associação Empresarial de Portugal (Portuguese Entrepreneurial Association), Chamber of Commerce and Industry, is a nation-wide business association, based in Oporto. AEP is a private, non-profit, and public utility association that can be seen as a central point of a universe devoted to supporting the business activity.

More about the Company

AEP – Associação Empresarial de Portugal (Portuguese Entrepreneurial Association), Chamber of Commerce and Industry, is a nation-wide business association, based in Oporto. AEP is a private non-profit making and public utility association that can be seen as a central point of a Universe devoted to supporting the business activity in areas such as: Economic, legal and technological information; Vocational training; Organisation of trade fairs and congresses; Internationalisation and promotion of the Portuguese economy; The defence of the interests of the business community and reinforcement of the role of business associations at both national and international levels.

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